Celebrate Marine Life with Us this #WorldWildlifeDay!

From the Arctic to Asia Pacific, this year we are celebrating marine life. Check out our new video to see how much our lives depend on healthy oceans. Pacific Environment and our local partners protect critical habitat for marine species in the Arctic and Pacific oceans. We help establish protective zones that allow threatened wildlife … Read more

Send an Arctic Valentine

Do you love the Arctic and its unique ocean wildlife? So do I, but Carnival Corporation, which claims to value a clean environment and sustainability, threatens to destroy everything we love about the Arctic. How? This new interactive map shows that Carnival’s cruise ships travel across Arctic and Alaskan waters fueled by the dirtiest fossil fuel on … Read more

Carnival Corporation cruise ships put Arctic, Subarctic marine mammals at risk, groundbreaking new map shows

SAN FRANCISCO — A groundbreaking new interactive map released today by the international Clean Up Carnival coalition shows that nearly half of Carnival Corporation cruise ships traveling through the Arctic and Subarctic pass near or through critical habitats for marine mammals including orca, walrus, and bowhead, narwhal, and beluga whales. The map details information on … Read more

Our Top 7 of 2018

Here are seven accomplishments I’m especially proud of this year. They would not have been possible without your generosity and passion. We won strong international protections for Arctic and Alaskan communities and wildlife. New rules now require ships to avoid fragile marine ecosystems around three islands in the Bering Sea (Nunivak Island, St. Lawrence Island, and King Island)—reducing the … Read more

You Make A Difference

Now, more than ever, we depend on the courage and dedicated activism of grassroots activists like you. As our own government is denying climate change and allowing polluters to pump more toxins into our water, our food, and our bodies, it’s up to you and me and others like us to fight for our future. … Read more

Do You Want to Help Protect the Arctic?

Last February, Indigenous and environmental allies and I sat at a table in London with international policy makers. We had a proposal between us to protect communities and wildlife in the Bering Strait and Sea from increased ship traffic. At that moment, years of advocacy and community organizing hung by a thread. In a surprise … Read more

Do You Want to Take On Carbon Pollution?

Chances are that the clothes you’re wearing, the device you’re reading this on, and much of what you have in your home has spent some time on a ship. In fact, more than 80% of all goods traded globally are carried by ship. Product components are bouncing back and forth across oceans as they are … Read more

Why I’m Hopeful

It’s a strange time. And not just the political time we live in. I’m writing from Chongqing, China, where the air quality is wonderful and “healthy” (a green color for those of you familiar with the conventions of air quality maps). And I’m reading about my family and friends in California and the San Francisco … Read more

This is What Climate Change Looks Like in Alaska—Right Now

In Utqiaġvik, Alaska, the northernmost community in the United States, last winter’s temperatures were so warm that algorithms in weather monitoring stations were flagging them as false. Biologist Craig George says “the term is no longer ‘climate change’ in Utqiaġvik, it’s ‘climate changed.’” With Alaska and the rest of the Arctic warming twice as fast … Read more

Tweet @Carnival for the Climate

Will you help me protect the Arctic? Carnival Corporation claims that environmental stewardship and sustainability are core company values across all 10 of its subsidiary cruise line brands. Yet, most of the ships on its Arctic and Alaska routes continue to burn the dirtiest fuel available for marine transportation: heavy fuel oil. So far, Carnival … Read more

If You Love the Pacific Coast, Speak Up Today

Last weekend, I escaped the chilly San Francisco Bay Area weather by driving along California’s scenic Highway 101 to visit my sister in Los Angeles. All along this beautiful coastal drive, the beaches were packed with sunbathers, swimmers, and surfers. In some places, I could pull right off the road and take just a few … Read more

Take Action: Tell Carnival to Stop Destroying the Arctic

Did you know? Cruise giant Carnival’s Arctic ships have a dirty secret. Enticing passengers with promises of first-row tickets to the Arctic’s stunning natural wonders, few people know that Carnival’s ships are powered by one of the dirtiest fossil fuels on the planet. It’s called heavy fuel oil, and if spilled, this dirty oil would … Read more

3 Exciting Victories for Arctic Conservation

Does it feel like the Arctic just can’t catch a break these days? Living in Alaska, I see changes to the climate first hand and I hear stories from those living in small communities along the Bering Sea and Arctic Ocean. I’m bombarded with relentless news coverage reminding me that the Arctic is melting, communities … Read more

Communities Win International Protections for the Arctic Ocean

Reporting directly from London, I’m excited to tell you that yesterday was a big day for Arctic waters and wildlife. Indigenous leaders and environmental activists like me convinced the international community to adopt new rules that require ships to avoid fragile marine ecosystems, reducing the threat of oil spills, environmental disasters, and harm to wildlife … Read more

Tell Trump the Arctic Ocean is Not for Sale

The Trump administration is moving forward with its disastrous plan to hand Alaska’s waters over to Big Oil. Its first target? The Beaufort Sea in the Arctic Ocean. Tell Trump and his administration that you want to #ProtectTheArctic. Located above Northeastern Alaska between Point Barrow and Canada, the Beaufort Sea is experiencing the same decline … Read more

NEWS FROM THE FIELD: Offshore Oil Drilling Protests in Anchorage

On February 21, I joined dozens of impassioned Alaskans to protest the Trump administration’s reckless plan to sell nearly all our coastline to Big Oil. Standing outside the Dena’ina Center in Anchorage, I watched through the fog of my breath in the chilly winter evening as Alaska Native activists called the plan a violation of … Read more

Alaskan Voices Will Not Be Silenced By Big Oil

For many Alaskans, the ocean is part of who they are. The state’s 40,000 miles of coastline is dotted with small Alaska Native communities that depend on the marine environment for their way of life. These subsistence hunters catch and harvest fish, polar bear, birds and their eggs, crab, walruses, seals, and whales. These animals are not … Read more

BREAKING: Trump is Selling Your Oceans

Ocean waters that have been protected for decades are now up for sale—thanks to Donald Trump and his cabinet of polluters. Today, the Trump administration released a proposal that would radically expand offshore drilling in Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico and Arctic waters, and even auction off permanently protected areas. We cannot let Trump and … Read more