Building the Global Environmental Movement

Pacific Environment invests in grassroots leaders who are directly impacted by environmental harms because they have the passion and determination it takes to mobilize their communities and demand change. With every local win we build people power to press for national and global action on today’s most important environmental challenges.

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  • Pacific Environment's whole-hearted commitment to supporting on-the-ground struggles, together with its strong advocacy skills, makes it one of the most effective environmental groups around.
    Nick Hildyard, corporate accountability watchdog, England
  • Caroline Cannon, an Inupiat community activist from Point Hope, Alaska, received the prestigious Goldman Environmental Prize for protecting her Arctic homeland from offshore oil and gas drilling.
  • Liu Sheng is building a network of 1 million River Watchers to clean up pollution on every river in China.
  • Awang Donchi is the leader of a small village high in China’s Tibetan Plateau. There, he and his people are developing sustainable alternatives to industrial development and other threats to the mountain grasslands on which their livelihoods depend.
  • Caroline Cannon
  • Liu Sheng
  • Awang Donchi
We receive 90% of our funding from foundations, 10% from individual donors.

Your Support Builds Grassroots Power

Contributions from donors and foundations are our lifeline. Your generosity allows us to invest in community-led environmental activism and support brave grassroots leaders around the Pacific Rim. Pacific Environment offers one of the very few granting and training programs that systematically supports grassroots leaders. We fund these activists and train them so they can reach out to their communities, help people understand the sources of their problems, connect them with others facing the same challenges and take action to achieve fundamental, real-world change. We complement this local grassroots movement building with direct pressure on international decision makers, amplifying local voices and pushing for systemic reforms that protect people, wildlife, and ecosystems.

We spend 82% of all contributions directly on programs; we use 18% to pay for essential support services that make our programs possible.

The Need for Grassroots Funding

Even though grassroots activism is the very foundation of environmental justice, grassroots groups and activist organizations like Pacific Environment and our partners receive only a small percentage of overall environmental funding. That’s why we truly depend on your personal investment in our work. And every dollar goes toward where it can help our efforts most—that’s our promise to you.


Our Top Ratings from Charity Watchdogs

Our effective use of contributions and our transparency practices have earned us top-notch ratings from leading charity ratings agencies. View our report on Charity Navigator, America’s premier independent charity evaluator. Our Tax-ID number is 94-2628924.

You can download and view our IRS 990 Forms below.


FY 2017-2018





Your Privacy: Our Promise

Pacific Environment does not sell a donor’s personal information, nor send donor mailings on behalf of other organizations.

  • We make direct grants to frontline groups, many of them led by women and indigenous activists.
  • We distributed over $7 million in grants to frontline activists over the past 15 years.
  • Our signature achievement is the continued survival and growth of strong networks of grassroots environmental leaders and organizations around the Pacific Rim.