California can lead the world to reduce emissions from ocean cargo ships, lower climate impacts, and improve air quality around ports

Report | May 23, 2024
Two reports co-released today by Goldman School of Public Policy, University of California Berkeley and Energy & Environmental Research Associates delve into policy changes and technology to decarbonize ocean going vessels....

Battery Ships In The Yangtze River Basin

Report | May 17, 2024
Since President Xi Jinping solemnly announced the “3060” carbon target at the general debate of the 75th United Nations General Assembly on September 22, 2020, the shipping industry in China has...

Making Reuse the Key Solution to the Climate Crisis

Report | May 20, 2023
Plastic pollution threatens the ecological environment, human health, and is a key driver of climate change. Single-use plastic is a particularly problematic type of plastic. This is due to the rapid...

Stemming the Plastic-Climate Crisis

Report | May 10, 2023
In honor of International Plastic Free Day and ahead of the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations, Pacific Environment has released a report that underscores the serious threats of plastic pollution, and presents...