Winning on Climate Change for All
Meeting the challenge of climate change is not just an issue for people who care about the environment. It’s for everyone who cares about fairness.
Indigenous peoples around the Pacific Rim are on the frontlines in the fight against fossil fuel projects that threaten to destroy their lands and cultural heritage.
Coal-fired power plants contaminate the water, food and lungs of nearby communities that lack the financial resources and political power to fight their placement.
We support people to make a just transition to a clean energy economy that champions local solutions for healthy, prosperous communities.

Clean Energy Can Benefit Everyone
The era of fossil fuel energy burdened the public with enormous external costs: workers killed in unsafe conditions, cancer, respiratory disease, toxic water and air pollution, mercury in the food chain, loss of food security, polluted rivers, destruction of wildlife habitat.
Clean energy, with drastically reduced external costs, will usher in an era that is fundamentally more just.
But the benefits of the new clean energy economy must be distributed widely to make sure it does not strengthen existing social and economic inequalities.
We support policies that drive job creation, sustainable investment, and, when needed, relocation and retraining investment.
And we call on international development banks to stop funding fossil fuel projects and turn their attention fully to supporting the transition to clean energy.