We nurture creative activism and leadership among local partners and their many community volunteers in the Pacific Rim. With every local win, we build people power to pressure for national and global action on today’s most pressing environmental challenges.

We need all hands on deck for a strong Global Plastics Treaty

Blog Post | May 10, 2024 | Kristen McDonald
Last week, the Pacific Environment team returned home from the fourth meeting of the United Nations Global Plastics Treaty negotiations (also known as INC-4) in Ottawa, Canada. This meeting...

New Year, New Wins

Blog Post | January 4, 2023 | Domenique Zuber
Happy New Year from all of us at Pacific Environment! Last year, we tackled everything from bubble tea sold in throw-away plastic containers to false, fossil-fueled promises in the...

Our Top 7 of 2022

Blog Post | December 26, 2022 | Domenique Zuber
We had a great year with many important wins. But none of this would have been possible without our supporters. This support helps Pacific Environment collaborate with brave grassroots...

Helping Achieve Landmark Protections for Nature at U.N. Biodiversity Summit COP15

Blog Post | December 20, 2022 | Jim Gamble and Hai Nguyen
We traveled to the biodiversity summit in Canada to help ensure that the world commits to protecting 30% of our oceans by 2030.  And we have great news to...

Making Plastic Polluters Pay

Blog Post | December 12, 2022 | Xuan Quach
My proudest moment last winter was when allies and I were able to thwart attempts by multinational companies to avoid responsibility for plastic pollution in communities and our oceans. We had just...

Feeling Grateful for Climate Leaders

Blog Post | November 25, 2022 | Alex Levinson
When I first started working in the environmental field, I was an environmental traditionalist. I enthusiastically worked on conservation of lands, waters, and wildlife. I worked to protect wild...