We nurture creative activism and leadership among local partners and their many community volunteers in the Pacific Rim. With every local win, we build people power to pressure for national and global action on today’s most pressing environmental challenges.

Creating a Strong Polar Code Is Our Priority

Blog Post | March 3, 2014 | Kevin Harun
We all know climate change is having a huge impact here in the northland – and with it the Arctic Ocean is changing rapidly. Arctic sea ice is disappearing...

Shell Abandons Plan for Drilling in Arctic Seas

Blog Post | January 31, 2014 | Alex Levinson
Yesterday, the CEO of Shell Oil announced sharply lower earnings and canceled plans to try to drill in Arctic seas off the coast of Alaska.  While couched in terms...

U.S. Government Finance Agency Curbs Coal Support

Blog Post | December 13, 2013 | Doug Norlen
Today, the Directors of the U.S. Government’s largest trade promotion agency, the Export-Import Bank (Ex-Im Bank), approved restrictions on financing for coal plants abroad. In doing so, the Ex-Im...

How to Build a Grassroots Climate Change Movement in China

Blog Post | November 4, 2013 | Domenique Zuber
Zhao Zhong joined Pacific Environment’s China team one year ago. After a successful career at the helm of Green Camel Bell, a grassroots environmental group based in Gansu Province,...

The People Vs. Environmental Destruction

Blog Post | November 1, 2013 | Domenique Zuber
Green Anhui’s precedent-setting cases bring justice to communities in China. Our partners are on the frontlines of environmental justice in China. In two precedent-setting cases, Green Anhui made sure...

You Spoke Up and the U.S. Coast Guard Is Listening

Blog Post | July 3, 2013 | Kevin Harun
Earlier this year, Pacific Environment exposed how the U.S. delegation to the U.N. agency overseeing the creation of new international shipping rules in Arctic waters led the charge for...