When we protect wildlife, we protect the planet’s air, water, forests, oceans, rivers and climate. We collaborate with indigenous and local leaders to protect walrus and other ice-dependent wildlife in the Arctic and world-class salmon rivers and tigers, leopards and other endangered species around the Pacific Rim.

Send an Arctic Valentine

Blog Post | February 14, 2019 | Dj Tyson, Arctic Program Assistant
Do you love the Arctic and its unique ocean wildlife? So do I, but Carnival Corporation, which claims to value a clean environment and sustainability, threatens to destroy everything...

Map shows Carnival ships put Arctic, Subarctic species at risk

Press Release | February 6, 2019
SAN FRANCISCO — A groundbreaking new interactive map released today by the international Clean Up Carnival coalition shows that nearly half of Carnival Corporation cruise ships traveling through the...

Our Top 7 of 2018

Blog Post | January 2, 2019 | Alex Levinson, Executive Director
Here are seven accomplishments I’m especially proud of this year. They would not have been possible without your generosity and passion. We won strong international protections for Arctic and Alaskan...

You Make A Difference

Blog Post | December 26, 2018 | Alex Levinson, Executive Director
Now, more than ever, we depend on the courage and dedicated activism of grassroots activists like you. As our own government is denying climate change and allowing polluters to...

Do You Want to Help Protect the Arctic?

Blog Post | December 20, 2018 | Kevin Harun, Arctic Program Director
Last February, Indigenous and environmental allies and I sat at a table in London with international policy makers. We had a proposal between us to protect communities and wildlife...

Take Action: Tell Carnival to Stop Destroying the Arctic

Blog Post | July 14, 2018 | Kevin Harun
Did you know? Cruise giant Carnival’s Arctic ships have a dirty secret. Enticing passengers with promises of first-row tickets to the Arctic’s stunning natural wonders, few people know that...