When we protect wildlife, we protect the planet’s air, water, forests, oceans, rivers and climate. We collaborate with indigenous and local leaders to protect walrus and other ice-dependent wildlife in the Arctic and world-class salmon rivers and tigers, leopards and other endangered species around the Pacific Rim.

What I'm Fighting for in the Arctic

Blog Post | December 24, 2017 | Verner Wilson III, Arctic Indigenous Leader
One of my most cherished gifts given to me is a beautiful sealskin vest made by my grandmother. She was from St. Lawrence Island in the northern Bering Sea...

Trump's Secretive Attack on America's Oceans

Blog Post | October 27, 2017 | Nicole Portley, Marine Campaigns
When you keep information secret, the question is: what do you have to hide and who are you hiding it from? In the case of our national marine monuments...

Trump Administration Is Gearing Up to Destroy Alaska Wild Salmon

Blog Post | September 20, 2017 | Sue Libenson, Senior Arctic Program Officer
It’s almost hard to fathom unless you’ve seen it in person. Black ribbons of salmon—wild, Alaska salmon—running up clear rivers through spectacular, unspoiled country as far as you can see....

Trump Is Getting Ready to Harm Ocean Life

Blog Post | August 25, 2017 | Nicole Portley, Marine Campaigns
Here is a quick update on our shared fight against Trump’s attempt to harm ocean life in the Pacific. After conducting a sham review of 27 of our nation’s...

FIELD UPDATE: Big Decision on Toxic Oil

Blog Post | July 6, 2017 | Kevin Harun, Arctic Program Director
Good news this afternoon in London: The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) marine environment protection committee just approved our coalition’s proposal to deal with the issue of dangerous heavy fuel...

Trump Attempts to Recklessly Expand Offshore Drilling

Press Release | April 28, 2017
President Trump announced that he would attempt to reverse the permanent protections against expanded offshore drilling in America’s Arctic and Atlantic oceans established by President Obama.