When we protect wildlife, we protect the planet’s air, water, forests, oceans, rivers and climate. We collaborate with indigenous and local leaders to protect walrus and other ice-dependent wildlife in the Arctic and world-class salmon rivers and tigers, leopards and other endangered species around the Pacific Rim.

International Coalition Calls to Clean Up Carnival Cruises

Press Release | July 9, 2018
SAN FRANCISCO, CA — As Carnival Corporation’s first ships of the season arrive in the Arctic, an international coalition of environmental groups has joined together to call on the...

3 Exciting Victories for Arctic Conservation

Blog Post | June 20, 2018 | Dj Tyson, Arctic Program Assistant
Does it feel like the Arctic just can’t catch a break these days? Living in Alaska, I see changes to the climate first hand and I hear stories from...

A Message from the Arctic

Blog Post | June 12, 2018 | Sheila Watt-Cloutier
Sheila Watt-Cloutier is an environmental, cultural, and human rights advocate from Canada and the former chair of the Inuit Circumpolar Council. She is the author of “The Right to...

Communities Win International Protections for the Arctic Ocean

Blog Post | May 25, 2018 | Kevin Harun, Arctic Program Director
Reporting directly from London, I’m excited to tell you that yesterday was a big day for Arctic waters and wildlife. Indigenous leaders and environmental activists like me convinced the...

Tell Trump the Arctic Ocean is Not for Sale

Blog Post | April 19, 2018 | Dj Tyson, Arctic Program Assistant
The Trump administration is moving forward with its disastrous plan to hand Alaska’s waters over to Big Oil. Its first target? The Beaufort Sea in the Arctic Ocean. Tell...

NEWS FROM THE FIELD: Offshore Oil Drilling Protests in Anchorage

Blog Post | February 21, 2018 | Dj Tyson, Arctic Program Assistant
On February 21, I joined dozens of impassioned Alaskans to protest the Trump administration’s reckless plan to sell nearly all our coastline to Big Oil. Standing outside the Dena’ina...