We nurture creative activism and leadership among local partners and their many community volunteers in the Pacific Rim. With every local win, we build people power to pressure for national and global action on today’s most pressing environmental challenges.

Trump Is Getting Ready to Harm Ocean Life

Blog Post | August 25, 2017 | Nicole Portley, Marine Campaigns
Here is a quick update on our shared fight against Trump’s attempt to harm ocean life in the Pacific. After conducting a sham review of 27 of our nation’s...

Indigenous Leaders Need a Seat at the U.N. Table

Blog Post | December 23, 2016 | Kevin Harun
“The anticipated increase in ship traffic in the Arctic is second in magnitude only to the initial arrival of European settlers on our shores.” When my friend Austin Ahmasuk,...

Mobilizing Chinese Citizens to Clean Up Pollution

Blog Post | December 19, 2016 | Kristen McDonald
Imagine: A local villager admitting that she accepted a color TV from the owner of a factory that is polluting a nearby river. Environmental officials questioning pollution data presented...

A Story of Grasslands Villagers Designing Their Own Development

Blog Post | December 9, 2016 | Zhao Zhong
A few months ago, the people of Karlsi, a small village high in China’s Tibetan Plateau, refused a lucrative offer from a construction firm eager to build roads and...

Ask Obama to Protect the Arctic from Trump’s Fossil Fuel Schemes

Blog Post | November 23, 2016 | Kevin Harun
President Obama took bold action by protecting the Arctic Ocean and Atlantic coast from oil and gas drilling. His administration removed these fragile coastal waters from the list of...

I Stood With Standing Rock Today

Blog Post | November 15, 2016 | Kristen McDonald
I woke up at 3:30 am today to start my trip into San Francisco to for an action to support the communities defending the Missouri River at Standing Rock,...