The Arctic is ground zero for climate change. We and allies block offshore oil drilling. We route ships away from coastal communities and wildlife to avoid collisions and catastrophic oil spills. And we help propel the shipping industry into a clean energy future.

Shell Abandons Plan for Drilling in Arctic Seas

Blog Post | January 31, 2014 | Alex Levinson
Yesterday, the CEO of Shell Oil announced sharply lower earnings and canceled plans to try to drill in Arctic seas off the coast of Alaska.  While couched in terms...

Kicking Off 2014 With a Bang

Blog Post | January 24, 2014 | Kevin Harun
For more than seven years, Pacific Environment and allies have single-handedly been stopping Shell Oil from drilling in fragile Arctic seas. Now, Shell is busy preparing to return to...

Court Denies Offshore Oil Lease Sale in America's Arctic

Press Release | January 22, 2014
Lease Sale 193 in the Chukchi Sea remanded by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Today, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the Department of...

Protecting the Arctic Means Protecting Its People

Blog Post | October 9, 2013 | Kevin Harun
With climate change melting Arctic ice at an ever alarming rate, we know big changes are in store for this pristine environment. But what impact will the big meltdown...

Court Upholds Shell's Oil Spill Plans Despite Serious Questions

Press Release | August 5, 2013
Today, the U.S. District Court in Alaska ruled the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement complied with the law when it approved Shell Oil’s plans for preventing and cleaning...

You Spoke Up and the U.S. Coast Guard Is Listening

Blog Post | July 3, 2013 | Kevin Harun
Earlier this year, Pacific Environment exposed how the U.S. delegation to the U.N. agency overseeing the creation of new international shipping rules in Arctic waters led the charge for...