People have a right to healthy, sustainable livelihoods and cultural self-determination. We collaborate with local people to protect traditional economies and create new ways to safeguard the natural resources traditional economies depend on.

FIELD UPDATE: Big Decision on Toxic Oil

Blog Post | July 6, 2017 | Kevin Harun, Arctic Program Director
Good news this afternoon in London: The International Maritime Organization’s (IMO’s) marine environment protection committee just approved our coalition’s proposal to deal with the issue of dangerous heavy fuel...

Switch to Cleaner Fuels Could Lower Risk for Arctic Shipping

Press Release | April 18, 2017
Washington D.C., April 18th, 2017:- A report published today by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT), Alternatives to heavy fuel oil use in the Arctic: Economic and environmental...

The True Cost of Oil Spills

Blog Post | February 9, 2017 | Sue Libenson
The Arctic hosts one of the world’s most productive and most pristine marine environments.  An oil spill of heavy fuel oil, which could devastate this fragile world and destroy...

A Story of Grasslands Villagers Designing Their Own Development

Blog Post | December 9, 2016 | Zhao Zhong
A few months ago, the people of Karlsi, a small village high in China’s Tibetan Plateau, refused a lucrative offer from a construction firm eager to build roads and...

Anniversary of a Milestone Voyage Highlights Call for HFO Ban

Blog Post | September 24, 2014 | Kevin Harun
First published in Ship & Bunker Forty-five years ago, just two months after Neil Armstrong landed on the moon, another historic exploration milestone took place in Alaska. The icebreaking...

Protecting the Arctic Means Protecting Its People

Blog Post | October 9, 2013 | Kevin Harun
With climate change melting Arctic ice at an ever alarming rate, we know big changes are in store for this pristine environment. But what impact will the big meltdown...