We nurture creative activism and leadership among local partners and their many community volunteers in the Pacific Rim. With every local win, we build people power to pressure for national and global action on today’s most pressing environmental challenges.

Local Solutions to Global Plastic Pollution

Blog Post | December 13, 2019 | Kristen McDonald, China Program Director
Yu Jianfeng recently started fighting “white pollution,” as people in China call plastic pollution based on the ubiquity of discarded white plastic bags. “Plastic is a really big problem...

Conservation—It’s about the People

Blog Post | December 6, 2019 | Nicole Portley, Marine Campaigner
When recently a pod of 100 dolphins swam through Cu Lao Cham Marine Protected Area (MPA) off the coast of Central Vietnam, it got residents and park officials talking....

Three Things I’m Grateful for This Year

Blog Post | November 28, 2019 | Alex Levinson, Executive Director
Earlier this month, I was in a rural area of China, up in a mountain village whose residents—mostly small-plot farmers and proprietors of small tourist hostels—had agreed to participate...

Building Citizen Strength for Zero Plastic Waste in Vietnam

Blog Post | June 27, 2019 | Nicole Portley, Marine Campaigner
Seeds planted over the past decade by communities in Vietnam have now borne fruit: the nation’s leadership has announced the intent to do something about the country’s plastic trash...

Our Top 7 of 2018

Blog Post | January 2, 2019 | Alex Levinson, Executive Director
Here are seven accomplishments I’m especially proud of this year. They would not have been possible without your generosity and passion. We won strong international protections for Arctic and Alaskan...

You Make A Difference

Blog Post | December 26, 2018 | Alex Levinson, Executive Director
Now, more than ever, we depend on the courage and dedicated activism of grassroots activists like you. As our own government is denying climate change and allowing polluters to...