China has strong pollution laws on the books, but enforcement lags behind, harming the environment and human health. Through a multi-faceted capacity building program, we help grassroots community groups identify pollution problems and work with local governments to find solutions for cleaning up toxic waste and dangerous emissions.

This Chinese “Environmental Grandma” Fights Rampant River Pollution

Blog Post | November 30, 2017 | Deng Ping, China Program Consultant
Last year, I accompanied Yun Jianli on a surprise visit to a wastewater treatment plant in her hometown Xiangyang in Hubei Province. We were investigating river pollution and asked...

Mobilizing Chinese Citizens to Clean Up Pollution

Blog Post | December 19, 2016 | Kristen McDonald
Imagine: A local villager admitting that she accepted a color TV from the owner of a factory that is polluting a nearby river. Environmental officials questioning pollution data presented...

A Story of Grasslands Villagers Designing Their Own Development

Blog Post | December 9, 2016 | Zhao Zhong
A few months ago, the people of Karlsi, a small village high in China’s Tibetan Plateau, refused a lucrative offer from a construction firm eager to build roads and...

Environmental Groups Are Changing the Pollution Rules in China

Blog Post | October 5, 2016 | Kristen McDonald
When a mine leaks heavy metals into drinking water supply in China, or when school children fall sick due to contaminated soil, or when a factory exceeds its pollution...

Kicking the Coal Habit Moves to the Mainstream in China

Blog Post | April 21, 2016 | Kristen McDonald
By: Deng Ping and Kristen McDonald Originally published in The Huffington Post What is one sure-fire way to reduce devastating pollution in China, decrease carbon emissions and stabilize the...

Chinese Environmental Group Uses Hazmat Suits to Protect a River

Blog Post | December 23, 2015 | Kristen McDonald
When plans moved forward to build another dam across the heavily polluted Xiang River, members of Green Hunan’s volunteer network dressed up in white hazmat suits to alert the...