Pacific Environment partners with U.S. environmental groups and indigenous leaders to promote climate justice, fight offshore oil drilling in Alaska, and advocate ocean rules that protect California and Arctic coastal communities, marine wildlife and fragile coastal waters.

You Made a Difference in 2020

Blog Post | December 29, 2020 | Pacific Environment
We support community leaders to fight climate change, protect the oceans, build just societies, and move away from fossil fuels toward a green economy. With your help, over the...

This is an Emergency!

Blog Post | December 20, 2020 | Pacific Environment
Amid the crises we have been struggling with in 2020, in our communities, in our nation, and in the world, I find myself more appreciative than ever of your support. Let...

Majority of Americans Supports Cleaner Shipping Practices

Press Release | November 17, 2020
A new poll conducted for Pacific Environment by Yale University, George Mason University and Climate Nexus finds that nearly three-quarters (74%) of Americans would be more likely to shop...

We Welcome Shipping Focus in Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act

Press Release | October 20, 2020
San Francisco, California. – Pacific Environment welcomes introduction of the landmark Ocean-Based Climate Solutions Act of 2020 in the U.S. House of Representatives today and commends its authors for...

In solidarity with Black Lives Matter

Blog Post | June 5, 2020 | Pacific Environment
Pacific Environment’s staff and leadership express solidarity with protesters in the Bay Area and everywhere who have taken to the streets over the murder of George Floyd by a...

“No Delays or Softening of Climate Action at California Ports,” Pacific Environment Tells State Authorities

Blog Post | April 27, 2020 | Madeline Rose, Climate Campaign Director
Pacific Environment and Environmental Defense Fund today urge the State of California to move forward overdue climate mitigation and public health measures in California ports. Specifically, we call on...