Pacific Environment partners with U.S. environmental groups and indigenous leaders to promote climate justice, fight offshore oil drilling in Alaska, and advocate ocean rules that protect California and Arctic coastal communities, marine wildlife and fragile coastal waters.

No Rest for Shell Oil and President Obama

Blog Post | March 20, 2013 | Alex Levinson
I was hopeful that some real progress would be made when the Department of the Interior suspended Shell’s drilling program in the Arctic because of the company’s chain of...

Forward on Climate – Impressions from a Day of Action

Blog Post | February 19, 2013 | Domenique Zuber
When I arrived at 1 Market Plaza in San Francisco this past Sunday, I saw an entire city block filled with people demanding  that President Obama block the Keystone...

Meet Kevin Harun, Our New Arctic Director, Who Hitchhiked His Way to the Heart of the World

Blog Post | January 31, 2013 | Domenique Zuber
As a 19-year old, Kevin Harun adored actress Mary Tyler Moore; he was convinced that it would be a great adventure to track her down in Minnesota. When he...

Conservation Organizations Urge Through Review of Arctic Drilling

Press Release | January 28, 2013
In a letter sent to Interior’s Acting Assistant Secretary for Land and Minerals Management Tommy Beaudreau today, thirteen conservation groups ask that a review of Shell’s 2012-2013 Arctic drilling...

Conservation Groups Ask Obama for Suspension of Arctic Drilling

Press Release | January 10, 2013
Today CEOs from Alaska Wilderness League, Center for Biological Diversity, Clean Water Action, Defenders of Wildlife, Earthjustice, Environment America, Friends of the Earth, Greenpeace, League of Conservation Voters, National...

Shell’s Failed Arctic Experiment

Blog Post | January 7, 2013 | Domenique Zuber
Shell ended its 2012 Arctic drilling season with a bang. On New Year’s Eve, one of its drill rigs—the Kulluk— ran aground near Kodiak Island, Alaska, in a severe...