Movements are only as strong as the people in it. We partner extensively with environmental and indigenous leaders and groups, nurturing their skills, connecting them to each other, and collaborating with them on campaigns.

New report calls for at least 75% reduction of plastics by 2050, reveals dire connection between plastic and climate

Press Release | May 25, 2023
In honor of International Plastic Free Day and ahead of the Global Plastics Treaty negotiations, Pacific Environment has released a report that underscores the serious threats of plastic pollution,...

Our Top 7 of 2022

Blog Post | December 26, 2022 | Domenique Zuber
We had a great year with many important wins. But none of this would have been possible without our supporters. This support helps Pacific Environment collaborate with brave grassroots...

Go hard and early: UN’s historic opportunity to act on shipping

Press Release | December 16, 2022
The stage is set for the UN to finally call time on greenhouse gas emissions from international shipping, following a week of climate talks at the International Maritime Organization...
Maersk ship

UN Shipping Agency Inches Towards 2030 Emission Reduction Goal

Press Release | December 9, 2022
This week’s round of technical talks at the UN’s maritime regulator showed countries are prepared to phase out shipping emissions by 2050. More crucially, support appears to be building...

State of California Signals Need for Additional Measures to Tackle Toxic Pollution for Ocean-Going Vessels

Press Release | December 1, 2022
​​​​​​​ Today, California’s chief climate and air pollution regulator released a report on the status of the state’s world-first regulation to end in-port pollution from fossil fuel vessels. The...

Environmental and Industry Organizations Urge Congress to Pass Bill to Zero Out Shipping Pollution 

Press Release | November 17, 2022
Washington, D.C. (November 17, 2022) – Today, a group of 31 environmental and community organizations and 13 industry organizations sent letters to Democratic leadership in Congress calling on them...