Movements are only as strong as the people in it. We partner extensively with environmental and indigenous leaders and groups, nurturing their skills, connecting them to each other, and collaborating with them on campaigns.

Climate Advocates, Community Groups: Target Shipping Commitment Step in the Right Direction, But Not Enough

Press Release | September 21, 2022
NEW YORK, NEW YORK (September 22, 2022) – Global retail giant Target joined other big retailers, including Amazon and IKEA, in a landmark commitment to move its products off...

Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping

Report | September 20, 2022
The Ports Playbook for Zero-Emission Shipping focuses on three main tracks: commitments, policy, and progress. These tracks lay out nine actions that will end port pollution, accelerate the market...

Pacific Environment, Opportunity Green release ports playbook for zero-emission ocean shipping

Press Release | September 20, 2022
NEW YORK CITY (September 20, 2022) – In connection with Climate Week NYC 2022, Pacific Environment and Opportunity Green released a playbook for ports to accelerate action in the...

Communities, Advocates, Members of Congress Celebrate Strong Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation, First Zero-Emissions Mandate for Ferries in the U.S.

Press Release | March 24, 2022
Today, members of Congress, conservation, environmental justice, community, and public health advocates celebrate the unanimous adoption by the California Air Resources Board, led by Chair Liane Randolph, of the...

Our Top 5 of 2021

Blog Post | December 28, 2021 | Domenique Zuber
In 2021, Pacific Environment partnered with community leaders to fight climate change, protect the oceans, build just societies, and move beyond fossil fuels toward a green economy. I’m proud...

Help Grassroots Heroes Fight Toxic Pollution in China

Blog Post | December 20, 2021 | Kristen McDonald
I first met Ding Jie a decade ago when she was a college graduate taking on heavy polluters in the big city. Together we toured the city of Wuhu,...