The cure for disposable “plastic crap” is here — and it’s simple

How WIRED’s recent piece on the solution to plastic pollution circumvents the emerging science on plastic and public health. WIRED’s article, “The Cure for Disposable Plastic Crap Is Here—and It’s Loony,” highlights the urgent and daunting task of tackling plastic pollution, but completely misses the point that the solution to the plastic problem is actually … Read more

Local Solutions to Global Plastic Pollution

Yu Jianfeng recently started fighting “white pollution,” as people in China call plastic pollution based on the ubiquity of discarded white plastic bags. “Plastic is a really big problem for rivers,” he said. “It is eaten by fish and other wildlife and its toxic chemicals can move up the food chain. It affects individual species, … Read more

Three Things I’m Grateful for This Year

Earlier this month, I was in a rural area of China, up in a mountain village whose residents—mostly small-plot farmers and proprietors of small tourist hostels—had agreed to participate in a project to try to reduce the plastic waste of the village. The villagers quickly learned that almost all their waste was plastic waste from … Read more