Battery Ships In The Yangtze River Basin

Date: May 17, 2024

Since President Xi Jinping solemnly announced the “3060” carbon target at the general debate of the 75th United Nations General Assembly on September 22, 2020, the shipping industry in China has been moving towards the goal of creating low-carbon fuel supply, building a modern value chain, and achieving high-quality growth.

Changjiang River Administration of Navigational Affairs, which oversees the world’s largest inland cargo shipping waterway, has been vigorously promoting the “Electrification of the Yangtze River” initiative. This initiative aims to reduce carbon emissions and mitigate pollution while also expanding the green transition and promoting economic growth. As a result, “Yangtze River Three Gorges No. 1”, the world’s largest pure electric cruise ship, made its maiden voyage in March 2022 and the world’s first 700 TEU battery container ship “N997” docked in July 2023. These ships, together with the initiative, showcase not only the willingness of China’s shipping industry to achieve net zero but also demonstrate their capabilities to do so.

Compared to fossil fuel vessels, battery-powered ships offer many climate, environmental, and economic benefits. Read more in our report, “Battery Ships In The Yangtze River Basin, A Series of Reports On Sailing To Net-Zero,” here.