Groups Sue Feds for Putting Whales and Dolphins in Crosshairs Throughout Southern California and Hawaiian Waters

Press Release | January 27, 2014
Navy’s Lethal Mid-Frequency Active Sonar and Explosives Slated to Harm Marine Mammals Nearly Ten Million Times during 2013-2018 Training Period

Court Denies Offshore Oil Lease Sale in America’s Arctic

Press Release | January 22, 2014
Lease Sale 193 in the Chukchi Sea remanded by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Today, the Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit ruled that the Department of the Interior...

Court Upholds Shell’s Oil Spill Plans Despite Serious Questions

Press Release | August 5, 2013
Today, the U.S. District Court in Alaska ruled the Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement complied with the law when it approved Shell Oil’s plans for preventing and cleaning up an...

Lawsuit Challenges Federal Financing of Coal Exports from East Coast Ports

Press Release | July 31, 2013
Suit charges taxpayer-backed U.S. Export-Import Bank with failure to assess environmental impacts of its dirty-fuel exports